Today was the first time we tried to add some wean asf to the grow out tubs ( I separate females from males ) and it was a bit sketchy, there was fighting and shit. We didnt let them fight, but now im wondering how people do to add weans to their grow out tub ( and is it good practice not to separate sexes ) ?
I thought maybe the people in this group would find this interesting. I have been contemplating a retractable water system for my rodent grow out racks (large cement mixing tubs which are too deep for the little ones to access water from the top. Well, I was building legos with the kids one evening an had an idea. Here is the first prototype. With the exception of the water valves and metal washers, it is built entirely from legos. What do ya'll think?
So I'm new to rat breeding I have two females in the same bin I had one that had her babies and I moved one getting ready to have babies together! I woke up and the one had her babies but they were spread all around the enclosure and she was feeding half of the other mommas babies instead? I probably shouldn't keep two pregnant females together? I know sometimes in colony breeding they eat the babies so when I see one pregnant I just give her her own space untill they are weaned.
I got a question! So if you have a snake the kills his meal but don't eat it let's say a live med rat from a male during breeding season? Iv herd normal to skip meals but he just killed his last one and I didn't see it I thought he ate it next day I caught it but didn't want to freeze it at the r that king but if I was to catch it im the first few hours could I freeze the prekilled rodent by snake?
AkHatch nTails