Second hatchling shed out. I'm thinking it's a GHI Redstripe Coral Glow. What do you all think?
#ballpython #hatchling #hatchlings #coralglow #ghi #redstripe

Second hatchling shed out. I'm thinking it's a GHI Redstripe Coral Glow. What do you all think?
#ballpython #hatchling #hatchlings #coralglow #ghi #redstripe
My first hatchling shed out. Fairly certain it's a GHI Mojave Redstripe Coral Glow. What do you think? Pairing was a Redstripe GHI Mojave x Coral Glow.
#ballpython #coralglow #redstripe #ghi #mojave #hatchling
The two Coral Glows came out of the egg. Both of them are GHI. Don't know for sure if they have anything else in them.
#ballpython #coralglow #ghi #hatchlings
Cut my first clutch ever!
#ballpython #coralglow #banana #hatchling #hatchlings
I love Monarch. This girl should be ready next year!
#ballpython #monarch
AkHatch nTails
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