Ball Python Breeders
Ball Python Breeders

Ball Python Breeders

200 члены

Just out of the eggs. Come on shed, lol.
Pastel Butter DG Het Hypo X TH G Stripe Hypo DG


All 7 out this morning. Next up, shedding and sexing the 2 Bananas to see which of our Bananas males is the sire.


1st one out today. Six more to go. Mom is a Piebald. It is a dual sired clutch. The 1st male and the one paired the most is a Super Pastel Lesser Leopard Banana Clown.
The 2nd male was used for the last two pairings. He is a Banana 50% Het Monsoon.The way we purchased him. However we believe he is a full Het and this clutch may prove that out. We have two Bananas waiting to come out of the egg. The first sire is a male maker and the second sire is a female maker. Should be easy to tell Who's Your Daddy. LOL


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Clutch No. 3

Pastel Butter Bongo X Pastel Stranger DH Moray Clown

Excited to see these crawl out.
