
Twister Mojave Leopard Pastel

$1,850 (USD)
Identifiant de l'animal : AllTwist Dernière mise à jour : Jun 2, 2023
  •  Emplacement
    Tyler, TX, USA
  •  Mâle
  •  CaractéristiquesLeopard Twister Mojave Pastel
  •  Naissance2011
  •  Lester524 g
  •  Régimelive
  •  Oui
Anna Kirby profile picture   
Vendeuse: Anna Kirby
Tyler, TX, USA
0 Avis


You won\'t find another guy like this anywhere. I produce a 1.1 Twister Mojave Leopard Pastel my first season and held both animals back because they are SICK. I\'ve got enough Twister males now from self producing or importing that I no longer need to hold back on this dude. He is a fantastic eater and has never missed a meal when offered. He will eating during shed.

Pairing: Mojave Twister x Super Pastel Leopard

I will be releasing twisters later in 2023, but this is your chance to get a male that\'s close to producing and start making your own. Twister is a European gene that I imported back in 2020 and is the main focus here at AK Morphs. It\'s a granite, pattern disrupter gene and I am absolutory in love with it! You an learn more about Twister and my other import genes on my website (and you can see other example + I just posted a Twister Youtube video as well).

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