
Nyala Pastel Vanilla or Fire het Pied

$1,000 (USD)
Identitas Hewan : Stunnerboy Terakhir Diperbarui : Jun 2, 2023
  •  Lokasi
    Tyler, TX, USA
  •  Pria
  •  Sifat-sifatFire Pastel Vanilla Nyala
  •  Kelahiran2022
  •  Berat371 g
  •  Dietlive
  •  Ya
Anna Kirby profile picture   
Penjual: Anna Kirby
Tyler, TX, USA
0 Ulasan


If I wasn't getting out of the Nyala project to focus on my other imports this guy would be staying. He is drop dead gorgeous. My photos don't do him justice. His pattern and colors just POP. He's mellow for a Nyala and is sweet as can be. He's curious and loves to watch me clean his tub out after he's created me a poop masterpiece.

The dam was a Vanilla Scream, so hence why he's either Vanilla or Fire.
I personally believe he's a Fire, so he'd be a Nyala Firefly het Pied.

He comes with free shipping!

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