And it's started... š
Got all of my stuff for the bioactives. (I'm making 4 bioactives total, with custom backgrounds.)
There going to be for a crested gecko, a gargoyle gecko and two leachianus geckos.
I had 12 spray foam cans, and I've just run out... need like 2 more roughly, so going to get them tonight so I can finish step one! (This is my first time doing a background.)
I'm happy with how it's looking so far, but can't wait till it's all setup and my geckos can explore there new Jungles...
I'll post an update when they are all done. But check out my page or my Instagram for further/more updates š„°
#gecko #leachianus #gargoylegecko #crestedgecko #leachianusgecko #reptile #bioactive #background #custombackground