Weekly Update ~ 🖤

❄️ The Orange Tea clutch has hit! All 10 eggs have pipped and some are already out and slithering around! They're a gorgeous group of 100% het snows with five supercondas that we can see so far. We're also seeing some signs of arctic, which was very unexpected... on closer inspection, it seems like the father is most likely an arctic! We never planned to work with this very subtle gene, but we'll take it!
To reserve a spot on the waitlist for this clutch, click this link: https://www.morphmarket.com/......./thevivarium/offspr

🥦🍓🍉🫑🐀 The rodent colony got to feast on watermelon, honeydew, sweet peppers, broccoli, salad greens and strawberries this past week, which was thoroughly enjoyed! We're starting our next round of breeding to further prepare for the onslaught of hatchlings coming in July. Again, we wont be releasing our rodents as pets until we complete this year's disease testing through Charles River. We'll let you all know once the results come in!

🎥 We're also working on a short series of videos on how to thrift for reptile and rodent supplies, so stay tuned ~ 💸
